
Papa Time

My dear dad arrived this past Friday night.  Our new family of four packed into the car for the first time, after a bit of drama trying to get organized, and met Papa on the bridge at the airport.  Dude was ecstatically running around singing and dancing and Squirt slept soundly for her introduction.  We didn't do much while he was here, but I'm pretty sure he was okay with that.  It was a treasure having him around to see Squirt in her newborn prime and hang with the Dude.  There were some tears when he left...not from Dude...from his Mama.  Not having family around is not so easy right now.  We'll figure it out, I know.  Baby steps.     

 Da Bears provided some quality bonding time on Sunday.  Go Bears!  Squirt even had a shirt, but waking her up for the photo didn't seem quite right.

 She has found her fingers folks.  Good thing since she's not a huge fan of the passie. 

 We spent Sunday night introducing Papa to Kinect.  Sorry, I know I've posted lots of these pics but look at the air my dadio got!  Not bad for 45 huh?

 How cute is this?  They did hurdles against each other.  Dad won...but  not by much:)

We did get some pool time in on Monday.  Thanks for entertaining our duder Dad!  Squirt wasn't quite ready to do the swimming thing.