

Well, after 2.5 exhausting hours of pushing with no results, they're bringing Brook in for a C-section.  She's just too tiny to get this baby out (maybe she's more than 5 pounds after all).  This really wasn't what anyone hoped for, but it's in Brook and the baby's best interest at this point.  They're prepping her now and we should have the baby in the next half hour.  How many times have I said that today?  Thanks for all of you who have been following this all day and sending your love.  It means so so much.  The good news is that we've had a lot of great bonding time with Brook's family.  They feel like a part of our family already.  The negative news is that the babe's gonna spend some time in the nursery tonight because our eyes will not stay open all night. 

Signing off.  For now. 


boschkp said...

Hope all goes well. Have thought of you all all day. My prayers are with you all. Peg