
Photos Galore

We've got a ton of photos to get through, so I'm throwing some faves into this mass photo post.  Enjoy!  We certainly are. 

 The ladies at the Homewood Suites we stayed at adopted us as their own.  They even gave Squirt a bag of presents before he headed home.  We'll be adding them to our Christmas card list for sure.

 My sweet Maria adorned our mailbox with pretty in pink balloons.  A warm welcome home.

 Grandma took Squirt from my arms when we walked in the door and pretty much didn't let her go until she hopped on her plane.  She fell in love instantly:)

Our very favorite introduction thus far was to our daughter's future husband, Landon.  It's kind of an arranged marriage per say.  Cara and I have a picture just like this one with Duder and Bradster.  Pretty phenomenal how God works.  Especially between our two little families. 

 How cute is this?  Two rough and tough dudes and their little babes.

 LOVE.  That's all I can say about this picture. Love. 

 Squirt refuses to spread her legs out.  Maybe when she's 3 weeks like Landon she'll come out of the fetal position.  This is the impossibly adorable difference between an 8 and a 10 pounder. 

 Amongst getting home, reacquainting ourselves with our son, unpacking and breathing, we celebrated my birthday.  Mom V made a gourmet meal and a cake, which Dude was charged with decorating.  Delish.  Thanks for making me feel special in the midst of so much chaos Mom!

 My favorite place to be.  Imagine how much more I love this chair now that there's a baby on my shoulder.

 Duder is quite the little helper already.  He's a bit on the rough side, but we're working on that.  Rather than bear hugs, we give bunny hugs.  And rather than pounding on Sissy's back, we love tap her. 

 I don't know what we would have done without Grandma those first couple of days.  They look good together don't they?  THANK YOU Grandma.  Squirt misses you already (as does Dude...as do we). 

 Our big eyed beauty.  She's so incredibly alert when she's not catching zzzzzz's.  Love her awake time!

My 2 munchkins. 


Cara S. said...

Cute pics! That one of Reagan and Landon is too funny...crazy to think how different they'll look in just a few short months!