

Our life feels like a movie today.  A really interesting and surreal movie.  At the moment we're sitting in the waiting room with Brook's mom, our Bethany case worker, Brook's case worker, birth dad and Brook's 2 sisters.  Birth dad shook our hands and looked us in the eye, which was good.  He then looked like he wanted to evaporate into the thin air and promptly went into Brook's room.  He's tall, skinny and very blond, so this baby has hope of fitting into the Vzang physique.  Maybe she'll end up being a tow head like her big brother.  We've spent a lot of good time with Joanna, Brook's mom.  She loves her 3 girls with passion and is the ideal grandma figure for this baby.  We are so glad that she's here.  Shes given us a better insight into Brook and has talked about her more vulnerable side, which is nice for us to hear.  Her twin sister is a replica of Brook and quiet and her other sister is super talkative and outgoing.  Sitting here kinda feels like we're on display.  We want to put our very best foot forward but not come off as fake.  So, we're just being us.  I would really love to lay on the couch and veg right now.     

Brook hasn't wanted any of us in the room, so we haven't seen her.  And probably won't until after the baby is born.  Heath is the only one who has been allowed in the room.  What's the status of the baby you're wondering?  Brook hasn't dilated in a few hours, so they're giving her an epidural right now and will break her water once it kicks in.  She was given the option to stop and come back to try again tomorrow, but chose to have her water broken.  This baby is definitely not eager to join the outside world.  And we're a ways away from pushing.  

So we're practicing patience and trying to enjoy the surrealness, if that's a word, of what we're experiencing right now.  


Stacy said...

Thinking about you all! Thanks for the updates! Hang in there, it must seem like days! How exciting it will be once she finally arrives. She's got so much love waiting for her. Wish I could send you a big hug. I'll keep checking... :O)


Unknown said...

So glad for the updates today! I have been checking back, waiting for the news. Hope things go smoothly and have begun to progress a bit by this point. Know that there are people praying for you and Baby Girl all around the country!! Love you!